Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

From The Brainfog Wiki

Gluten Intolorance, sometimes referred to as gluten sensitivity, or more modernly NCGS (Non-celiac gluten sensitivity) is when you experience symptoms specifically after eating foods containing gluten, but not non-gluten foods. It is reasonably common and can wreck havoc on an individuals life when left untreated, but it is not a progressive disorder, unlike coeliac disease which is similar, with the key difference being that no damage to the gut lining through attacking antibodies have been observed in gluten sensitive patients.

Gluten intolorance, wheat allergy and celiac disease often overlap, making it difficult to identify the true condition. The best way to get a diagnosis is to work closely with a doctor for the necessary testing.


The exact causes of gluten intolorance are currently not well understood, and research has yet been able to paint a clear picture on this.


People may experience all or some of these symptoms for several hours to days after consuming gluten:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Bloating