
From The Brainfog Wiki

Depression is a mental health problem that causes a low mood and a loss of interest in things you would usually enjoy, as well as a range of other changes to how you feel and behave.

There is a wide spectrum of impact for depression, and how long it lasts. One person may be able to go to work with only a hint of sadness and others may be completely debilitated and even suicidal. There are also many types, such as SAD, (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which happens when people get depression based on reduction or increases in sunlight during winter or summer.

We all experience sadness or low mood from time to time. What makes it different from depression is when our feelings become so bad that they interfere with the functioning of daily life, or if those feelings of sadness last for several weeks or months.


These are some common symptoms of depression that you could experience:

  • Down, upset or tearful
  • Restless, agitated or irritable
  • Guilty, worthless
  • Empty and numb
  • Isolated and unable to connect with others
  • Finding no pleasure in life or things you would usually enjoy

.. and more. For a full list, please check 'See Also'.

Role in brainfog

As a symptom

Depression is a common symptom of brainfog as a result of the limitations it brings on someones life and the effects it can have on mental health.


Due to the fact that depression is a symptom of brainfog due to the way it affects an individual, this can often be the first thing a doctor sees, and so they may recognise the depression and see it as the root cause. Depression is the 2nd most misdiagnosed (behind anxiety).

This can be frustrating, but the best way to solve this situation is to do your absolute best to address your depression by following the treatment path for it as suggested by your doctor. Although you are not there to address the depression, the doctor will be unable to look past it until it is treated, and treating depression will help you stand up for yourself in future appointments and improve your overall mental health, making the real battle easier.

See Also