
From The Brainfog Wiki

Hello there, and welcome to my user page! My name is DefunctSprout, and this is where you can come to learn a bit more about me and my story.

Brainfog feels like those old movie tapes with the lines and artifacts but as a perpetual attachment over every thought, where new artifacts appear and others disappear over different parts of information to always leave you in a state of confusion and incomplete thought

Who am i?

I am a guy in my early twenties, with a complicated past which undoubtedly contributed to my early onset of brainfog. I had been suffering for many years alone before, on a chance night just before i was about to put my phone down to go to sleep, i found the r/Brainfog community. I quickly became highly passionate about the community, because i felt like i was in a position to make a positive change within it.

Although i did undoubtedly help, even to this day i am hardly "in a position" to make a positive change. I still fight many battles but i am very far from where i came. But i always do what i can, i don't really know if i will ever feel like i am in the position to make the changes that i want too, but based on the impact i have been able to make so far, it is clear that there is things i can do for the community even as i am, and i aim to give what i have got for years to come, before passing the mantle fully to somebody else.

What is your cause of brainfog?

I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is a medical mystery in our day and age, but is undoubtedly the cause of my brainfog. I am fortunate enough to be somewhere in the mid / low high on the scale of severity, though i am still very much restricted to what i can do and how long for. I continue to make lifestyle improvements to do my best to give myself the most, and so far it is working!