What is brainfog?

From The Brainfog Wiki
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Brainfog is a form of cognitive dysfunction which is a symptom of many medical problems. It has many layers of severity and affects people differently, but even on the lowest end it is more than enough to be disruptive to everyday life.

It can be caused by a temporary effect, such as a lack of sleep, or a chronic condition, such as Multiple Sclerosis. For an extensive list of causes, check here.

Because brainfog is a symptom of a condition, you will likely have other symptoms that are not caused by brainfog. It can be useful to group these symptoms so you can differentiate what is caused by brainfog with any other symptoms you may be experiencing, which can help greatly during your investigations. Check the symptoms page to help you with that.

It is a long journey of ruling things out for someone with brainfog to finally arrive at their root cause, but you can get there! Almost all cases of brainfog are treatable, but even with the ones that aren't, there will be actions you can take to improve the quality of your life. Whether or not it is treatable depends on the condition causing it.