
From The Brainfog Wiki
Revision as of 23:57, 7 April 2024 by DefunctSprout (talk | contribs) (Added cause of brainfog and reworked some of the page.)

Hello there, and welcome to my user page! My name is DefunctSprout, and this is where you can come to learn a bit more about me and my story.

Who am i?

I am a guy in my early twenties, with a complicated past which undoubtedly contributed to my early onset of brainfog at 15. I had been suffering for many years before i finally found the r/Brainfog community at 19 on one chance, desperate late night. I quickly became highly passionate about the community, because i felt like i was in a position to make a positive change within it.

Although i did undoubtedly help, even to this day i am hardly "in a position" to make a positive change. I still fight many battles but i am very far from where i came. But i always do what i can, i don't really know if i will ever feel like i am in the position to make the changes that i want too, but based on the impact i have been able to make so far, it is clear that there is things i can do for the community even as i am, and i aim to give what i have got for years to come, before passing the mantle fully to somebody else.

What is your cause of brainfog?

I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is a medical mystery in our day and age, but is undoubtedly the cause of my brainfog. I am fortunate enough to be somewhere in the mid / low high on the scale of severity, though i am still very much restricted to what i can do and how long for. I continue to make lifestyle improvements to do my best to give myself the most, and so far it is working!