Symptoms of brainfog

From The Brainfog Wiki
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It is important to realise that brainfog is a symptom of another condition, and so the symptoms you see here are purely from brainfog, and you will almost definitely have more symptoms than this. This list is designed to help you understand and categorise your symptoms, and hopefully relay the importance of not just sticking to wanting to cure brainfog because it is "the only thing bothering you" there is a bigger issue in your body and you should use this symptom list to confirm you have brainfog, and also understand that not every symptom you experience is from brainfog, because brainfog is a symptom itself.

    • Symptoms**

      • Confusion***

You may feel dazed, and unable to translate what is around you. Particularly after your brainfog-causing issue has just been retriggered.

      • Numbness***

You may feel numb, and as if your senses are numbed out.

      • Difficulty concentrating***

You may struggle to focus on what you are doing.

      • Derealisation***

You may experience derealisation. This seems to go side-by-side with brainfog.

      • Memory Issues***

This is a definitive symptom of brainfog, and can vary widely in presented severity.

      • Cannot take in information***

It is important to realise that you do not need every symptom from this list in order to have brainfog. Some may come later, or not at all, but it seems that most individuals experience these brainfog symptoms most of the time, and so here is the list!

      • If there are some symptoms that we missed, please contact us via the mod-mail so that we can consider adding you to the list of people who can change this page.***