Electromagnetic Fields

From The Brainfog Wiki
Revision as of 16:52, 6 April 2024 by Nic (talk | contribs)

An Electromagnetic Field (EMF) is a physics’ phenomenon, a wave of energy that moves at the speed of light.

Visible light is one form of EMF, X-Rays and Gamma-Rays are both EMFs, Wi-Fi technology, Bluetooth and Cellular Phone communication, all use Electromagnetic Waves to send wireless information.

Man-made EMFs (e.g. Wi-Fi), can cause a variety of symptoms in sensitive individuals, including Brain Fog.



Anxiety, heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat.

How to test


Connection with Diseases



Don’t panic! If you realized you have EHS, join the facebook group, thousands of people like you who can help you and that you can help.