Electromagnetic Fields

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An Electromagnetic Field (EMF) is a physics’ phenomenon, a wave of energy that moves at the speed of light.

Visible light, X-Rays, Gamma-Rays, and Radio waves are examples of EMFs.

Radiofrequency Radiations, which include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, can cause brainfog in sensitive individuals, even well within safety standards’ power limits.

Although not yet recognized by the medical community and currently under researched, “Radiowave Sickness”, then “Microwave Sickness”, and now “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity” was described since the 1950s in military Radar operators, and then in the general public with the advent of cellphone communication; The main symptoms these conditions presented with were cognitive problems and memory issues.


EMFs are divided into categories by their oscillation frequency.

The ones that can cause brainfog are Radiofrequency radiations (RF), with a frequency between 20 Kilohertz and 300 Gigahertz. RF are emitted by cellphones and any device that uses wireless communication.

Radio waves also come from other electric appliances, which emit radio waves as a side effect, one such device is the common energy saving lamp.

To deal with brainfog, you will have to avoid being exposed to sources of RF as much as you can. Signal power decreases by a lot with distance, so the worst offenders are the sources under your control: your phone, computer, smart tv, wifi router. Switching to wired ethernet connections and keeping your phone in airplane mode when not using it will remove a lot of symptoms and the Brain fog will improve rapidly. Sources not under your control, like cell towers, neighbours’ Wi-Fi, digital TV signal, will still affect you but to a lower extent.

Brain fog will come and go with exposure to EMF, there is no trick or cure, RF radiation is a toxic environmental agent.

Heavy brain fog is the easiest to deal with, will go away with avoidance of obvious sources. Unfortunately to really “unlock” your full brain potential you’ll need to be in a place with almost zero EMF levels, which is a very difficult task.

The other harmful category of EMF are Extremely Low Frequencies, 0 hertz to 20 kilohertz. This category pertains less to brain fog but is still associated with a number of symptoms and diseases, and usually people sensitive to RF are sensitive to ELF as well. These are emitted by any house appliance, wiring in the walls and high voltage power lines.


EMFs cause a variety of symptoms in sensitive individuals, everyone experiences a subset of the following (non exaustive) list:

Brain fog. Anxiety. Depression. Fatigue. Heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, chest pain. Headache. Skin issues. Sleep issues. Tinnitus. Visual disturbances. Derealization. Dizziness. Mood swings. Decreased Libido.

How to test

Testing if you are sensitive takes a bit of time, but the good news is that it’s free.

Don’t try to guess if Wi-Fi is on or off, you are not familiar with the sources, you don’t know how long it takes for symptoms to come and go, you may have problems recognizing symptoms, and hidden sources may muddy your experiment.

Failing the experiment may give you a false negative.

Treat it as an allergy. Some days you are more reactive, some days less. Some times you sneeze as soon as you see pollen, some others you are not bothered. Some times symptoms last 10 minutes, some times one full day.

How to test:

Start avoiding exposure to the best of your ability, and pay attention to your ability to think. If Brain fog goes away when you are in EMF-free environments you are on a good path. If it doesn’t there are three possibilities:

1) The environment is not really EMF free, something you don’t know is emitting RF (Most likely).

2) The environment is EMF free, but symptoms are lasting more than usual.

3) You are not EMF sensitive.

Keep practicing avoidance for a week. Change places, go to the park on the other side of town, to the beach or other. After one week weigh the evidence. Was there a pattern in your symptoms? If yes you probably are EMF sensitive.

The more you try the more you’ll be certain of the result, wheter it’s positive or negative. With this condition you can’t have a straight and rapid yes or no, but trust me, if you did things right you’ll definetely feel the fog lifting when in the right conditions.

In a truly EMF free environment brain fog should lift in 30 minutes at most, but keep in mind, every day is different.


What to Expect

Connection with Diseases



Don’t panic! If you have EHS, join the facebook group and meet helpful people.