The Brainfog Wiki:About

From The Brainfog Wiki
Revision as of 04:27, 8 April 2024 by DefunctSprout (talk | contribs) (→‎Why?: Added more information, corrected non-sensicles, added links to relevant mentions)


The information that was avaliable on r/brainfog was useful, but scattered and unorganised and eventually buried by reddits very nature. The wiki was originally designed to go on r/brainfog's wiki, but was found completely inadequate in many ways, but to be fair to it, it was not made for this purpose.

This is where this wiki comes in, giving hope to the effort of going through thousands of posts containing useful data. It allows an easy platform for people with their own experiences of brainfog to come in and add their experience to a growing database where it too won't get lost in the dark, and easily avaliable to help all.

The website is currently maintained by our admins listed here, but is regularly contributed to by people like you. Here is a list of our most generous users, some of which this website would not be the same without.