What is brainfog?: Difference between revisions

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Brainfog is a form of cognitive impairment which is a symptom of many medical problems, ranging from a gluten intolorance to a chronic illness such as ME. Brainfog has layers of severity, and affects people differently, but even on the lower end it is more than enough to be disruptive to everyday life.

Many people convince themselves and are convinced by others that brainfog is a form of laziness or that their brainfog is caused by the persons mental state, and while it is possible to experience brainfog from anxiety, depression, stress, etc. In many cases if anything they can be contributing factors, but not the cause themselves.

If you regularly, or even occasionally feel cognitive decline in the form of limited attention span, memory problems, feeling spaced out, can't find the right words, etc. You have brainfog. And there is a reason for it! It's just about finding out what that reason is.